Jesper Kenn Olsen

Born 1971 and living in Vejle & Copenhagen cities in Denmark.

Two completed gps-documented runs around the Earth:
World Run 1 of 26 232km, 2004-2005: Across Europe - Asia/Russia - Australia - North America.
World Run 2 of 26 917km, 2008-2012: Across Europe - Middle-East - Africa - South America - North America.

The World Run 1 later became the standard of "what a run around the planet is" and is used by the World Runners Association as part of its definition. By now 4 other runners has completed a documented run around the world (Tom Denniss/Australia, Tony Mangan/Ireland, Kevin Carr/U.K. & Serge Girard/France). - -

My next goal is to try to complete a journey by foot straight across Antarctia, to complete the last of the 7 continents. Thereby also becoming the first person to cross all continents by foot.

When not running I coach ultrarunners in Denmark and internationally and prepare the Danish Ultrarunning Team for international championships. After the first 2 runs around the world I wrote two books in danish and one in english: "The Runners Guide to the Planet" - published by Amazon & iTunes.
My education as political scientist I have been too busy to use while running, writing and doing speaks/lectures.

Life-goal: To experience and understand our planet one step at a time.


Jonas Andersen

Born 1995, from Nakskov, now living in Haderslev.

Service in the Danish Arctic Patrol SIRIUS, Greenland, 2018-2020

I've always liked to push the limits. To test my own physical capabilities while exploring the surrounding nature is one of the things, I enjoy the most. I ran my first half marathon in 2013 and since then my feet has taken me many places and added numerous adventures to my books.

In 2015 I joined the Army. While training to become a sergeant I used part of the summer to bike ride from Nakskov to Gibraltar. The 3600 km was accomplished in 20 days and helped me take on my first Ironman. In 2016 I participated in the OCR European Championship, walked a 100km march and ventured out in the world of ultrarunning. The following year I ran just under 200km in a 24h run in Viborg as well as completing Hell Run "Denmarks Toughest Day".

Since 2016 I have been employed in the Army as a sergeant and in the years 2018-2020, I was deployed with the Sledgepatrol SIRIUS. During my deployment in Greenland, I gained valuable experiences with working under arctic conditions and this great adventure gave me the urge to explore our planet even more.

In 2021 I am running 100 marathons. Next year I plan to climb Mt. Elbrus as a part of my training towards the true goal - partake in World Run 3 alongside Jesper and be one of the first 2 Danes to cross Antarctica.


Jesper Olsen World Run II